Learning Heroes Academy is a disrupting online academy with a unique learning path that lets anyone fuelled with motivation get to learn powerful skills to make a giant leap forward in their professional lives in a short period of time. Learning Heroes offers edgy education programs in industry shaping technology ecosystems like blockchain coding, artifical intelligence and crypto asset investment.

Surfing the wave of non-regulated education growth, Learning Heroes aims to be the Spanish speaking market leader before 2025.
Linkedin | Web

“Wizard Partners is helping us build a scalable business structure for our nitro accelerated pace of growth. Piece by piece, from company culture up to finance strategy, we feel Learning Heroes has the foundations of an ambitious and grown-up investable company”

Xavi Recio & Arnau Ramió | Founders


- Launched in 2023
- Break even operation from month one

Key Facts

- More than 2k students
- One cohort launch every 6 weeks
- 9M+ projected revenues in 2024
- Only high-ticket 4 figures programs

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